Add Principal Components Analysis Loadings to a tidy or triple omics dataset.

  value_var = NULL,
  center_rows = TRUE,
  npcs = NULL,
  missing_val_method = "drop_samples",
  label_percent_varex = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE



Either a tidy_omic or triple_omic object


An abundance value to use with hclust


center rows before performing PCA


number of principal component loadings to add to samples (default is number of samples)


Approach to remove missing values:


Drop features with missing values


Drop samples which are missing all features, then drop features


Impute missing values


If true then PCs will be labelled by the percent of variability they explain.


extra reporting messages


A tomic object with principal components added to samples.


add_pcs(brauer_2008_triple, npcs = 5)
#> 40 features dropped due to missing values
#> $features
#> # A tibble: 460 × 4
#>    name    BP                                              MF    systematic_name
#>    <chr>   <chr>                                           <chr> <chr>          
#>  1 YOL029C biological process unknown                      mole… YOL029C        
#>  2 SCW11   cytokinesis, completion of separation           gluc… YGL028C        
#>  3 YHR036W biological process unknown                      mole… YHR036W        
#>  4 BGL2    cell wall organization and biogenesis           gluc… YGR282C        
#>  5 ACT1    cell wall organization and biogenesis*          stru… YFL039C        
#>  6 FKH1    pseudohyphal growth*                            tran… YIL131C        
#>  7 HOC1    cell wall mannoprotein biosynthesis*            tran… YJR075W        
#>  8 CSN12   adaptation to pheromone during conjugation wit… mole… YJR084W        
#>  9 YAL046C biological process unknown                      mole… YAL046C        
#> 10 SLG1    cell wall organization and biogenesis*          tran… YOR008C        
#> # ℹ 450 more rows
#> $samples
#> # A tibble: 36 × 8
#>    sample nutrient    DR `PC1 (30%)` `PC2 (24%)` `PC3 (14%)` `PC4 (8%)`
#>    <chr>  <chr>    <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1 G0.05  G         0.05     -0.252      0.00514       0.317    0.0234 
#>  2 G0.1   G         0.1      -0.169     -0.0478        0.272   -0.104  
#>  3 G0.15  G         0.15     -0.177     -0.0824        0.272   -0.0165 
#>  4 G0.2   G         0.2      -0.153     -0.109         0.257   -0.00839
#>  5 G0.25  G         0.25     -0.0111    -0.177         0.179    0.00250
#>  6 G0.3   G         0.3       0.0561    -0.213         0.154    0.0247 
#>  7 N0.05  N         0.05     -0.380      0.153        -0.175    0.427  
#>  8 N0.1   N         0.1      -0.284      0.0849       -0.255    0.323  
#>  9 N0.15  N         0.15     -0.0754     0.0482       -0.320    0.0141 
#> 10 N0.2   N         0.2      -0.0200    -0.0235       -0.311    0.0379 
#> # ℹ 26 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: `PC5 (6%)` <dbl>
#> $measurements
#> # A tibble: 16,560 × 3
#>    name    sample expression
#>    <chr>   <chr>       <dbl>
#>  1 YOL029C G0.05       -0.22
#>  2 SCW11   G0.05       -0.67
#>  3 YHR036W G0.05       -0.91
#>  4 BGL2    G0.05       -0.08
#>  5 ACT1    G0.05       -0.04
#>  6 FKH1    G0.05       -0.57
#>  7 HOC1    G0.05       -0.42
#>  8 CSN12   G0.05       -0.49
#>  9 YAL046C G0.05        0.05
#> 10 SLG1    G0.05       -0.06
#> # ℹ 16,550 more rows
#> $design
#> $design$features
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   variable        type               
#>   <chr>           <chr>              
#> 1 name            feature_primary_key
#> 2 systematic_name character          
#> 3 BP              character          
#> 4 MF              character          
#> $design$samples
#> # A tibble: 9 × 2
#>   variable  type              
#>   <chr>     <chr>             
#> 1 sample    sample_primary_key
#> 2 nutrient  character         
#> 3 DR        numeric           
#> 4 PC1 (30%) numeric           
#> 5 PC2 (24%) numeric           
#> 6 PC3 (14%) numeric           
#> 7 PC4 (8%)  numeric           
#> 8 PC5 (6%)  numeric           
#> 9 sample    numeric           
#> $design$measurements
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   variable   type               
#>   <chr>      <chr>              
#> 1 name       feature_primary_key
#> 2 sample     sample_primary_key 
#> 3 expression numeric            
#> $design$feature_pk
#> [1] "name"
#> $design$sample_pk
#> [1] "sample"
#> $unstructured
#> $unstructured$scree_df
#> # A tibble: 36 × 4
#>    pc_number eigenvalue fraction_varex pc_label 
#>        <int>      <dbl>          <dbl> <glue>   
#>  1         1      38.9          0.302  PC1 (30%)
#>  2         2      33.9          0.230  PC2 (24%)
#>  3         3      25.6          0.131  PC3 (14%)
#>  4         4      19.1          0.0730 PC4 (8%) 
#>  5         5      18.1          0.0653 PC5 (6%) 
#>  6         6      14.9          0.0444 PC6 (4%) 
#>  7         7      12.4          0.0305 PC7 (4%) 
#>  8         8      11.9          0.0283 PC8 (2%) 
#>  9         9       9.73         0.0189 PC9 (2%) 
#> 10        10       8.15         0.0133 PC10 (2%)
#> # ℹ 26 more rows
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "triple_omic" "tomic"       "general"