This function wraps and reformats openMSfile converting its output to a list of tibbles. It can open any of the file formats of openMSfile (mzXML, mzML, netCDF, mzData) as well as g-zipped versions of these formats.
tidy_mzR_from_msfile(ms_file_path, mzroll_db_path = NULL, msLevels = NULL)
Path to an mzXML, mzML, netCDF or mzData file
path to a .mzrollDB SQLite file.
Filter for specific MS levels (if provided, this must be a vector of integers)
tidy_mzR: a list containing two tibbles:
header: summary of scan; one scan per row
acquisitionNum: scan #
polarity: positive (1) or negative (0) mode
other scan attributes
scan_data: abundances of ions in each scan; contains three variables: mz, ic, and scan
If a mzroll_db_path
is provided, then use this file's rt_update_key table (if it exists) to update retention times.