Generate a mapping of observed sample retention times onto imputed (consistent) retention time.
previous_rt_update_key = NULL,
sd_rt_resid_cutoff = 0.1,
spline_ridge_penalty = 200,
spline_degree = 4L,
return_plot_data = FALSE
tibble containing at least sampleId, compound_id and rt.
previous mapping of original RTs in raw files to RTs used in peaks and scans.
Cutoff for excluding a compound based on the standard deviation of its residuals (rt - fitted rt): sd(resid)/range(rt) < sd_rt_resid_cutoff
Ridge penalty on sample-level splines which model deviations between observed retention times and the consensus rt of a compound. Used for the H parameter in gam.
Degree of spline used to estimate drift (integer).
return data which can be used to plot alignment summaries with ms2_driven_aligner_plotting
a list containing sample specific gam fits and a sample independent fit which should be used to correct sample-level overfitting
Alternate between estimating compound-specific retention time and sample-specific retention time deviations.