Find Pathway Enrichments

  enrichment_method = "gsea",
  ranking_measure = "statistic",
  fdr_cutoff = 0.1,
  test_absolute_effects = TRUE,
  additional_grouping_vars = NULL



output of process_mzroll or process_mzroll_multi

  • features: one row per unique analyte (defined by a unique groupId),

  • samples: one row per unique sample (defined by a unique sampleId),

  • measurements: one row per peak (samples x peakgroups)


returned by diffex_mzroll; a tibble of tests performed.


a named list where names are pathways and entries are groupIds belonging to each pathway.


method used to calculate pathway enrichments.


gene set enrichment analysis using fgsea


Fisher exact test to look for enrichment of differentially abundant metabolite among pathways.


variable in regression_significance to use when calculating enrichment.


minimum adjusted p-value to use for creating a the pathway summary plot.


If TRUE then only consider the magnitude of test-statistics when calculating rankings for enrichment; if FALSE then consider sign as well.


sample-, or measurement-level variables to groupby when performing regression in addition to groupId.


a list containing:

  • enrichment_table: a tibble containing each term's enrichment for every pathway and an enrichment_plot

  • enrichment_plots: pre-generated plots containing the most significant enrichments for each term


#> #> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’: #> #> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’: #> #> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
regression_significance <- diffex_mzroll( nplug_mzroll_normalized, "normalized_log2_abundance", "limitation + limitation:DR + 0" )
#> Warning: q-value calculation initially failed due to too many small p-values #> but claman was able to recover results
pathway_nest <- nplug_mzroll_normalized$features %>% dplyr::select(groupId, pathway) %>% tidyr::nest(pathway_members = groupId) pathway_list <- purrr::map( pathway_nest$pathway_members, function(x) { as.character(x$groupId) } ) names(pathway_list) <- pathway_nest$pathway find_pathway_enrichments( mzroll_list = nplug_mzroll_normalized, regression_significance, pathway_list, test_absolute_effects = FALSE, enrichment_method = "fisher" )
#> # A tibble: 100 × 9 #> term pathway estimate p.value conf.low conf.high method alternative qvalue #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> #> 1 limit… Pentos… 3.85 0.174 0.585 Inf Fisher… greater 0.758 #> 2 limit… Pyrimi… 2.04 0.228 0.588 Inf Fisher… greater 0.758 #> 3 limit… Glycol… 2.49 0.207 0.582 Inf Fisher… greater 0.758 #> 4 limit… Lipid … 0.250 0.963 0.00837 Inf Fisher… greater 0.963 #> 5 limit… TCA cy… 0.380 0.961 0.0903 Inf Fisher… greater 0.963 #> 6 limit… Purine… 0.472 0.939 0.142 Inf Fisher… greater 0.963 #> 7 limit… Energe… 1.22 0.541 0.316 Inf Fisher… greater 0.963 #> 8 limit… Amino … 1.41 0.376 0.496 Inf Fisher… greater 0.940 #> 9 limit… Amino … 0.691 0.823 0.210 Inf Fisher… greater 0.963 #> 10 limit… Amino … 0.618 0.855 0.155 Inf Fisher… greater 0.963 #> # … with 90 more rows