Source code for baskerville.scripts.hound_data

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 Calico LLC

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# =========================================================================
from optparse import OptionParser
import gzip
import json
import pdb
import os
import random
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from baskerville import data
from baskerville.helpers import utils

    import slurm
except ModuleNotFoundError:


Compute model sequences from the genome, extracting DNA coverage values.

[docs] def main(): usage = "usage: %prog [options] <fasta_file> <targets_file>" parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option( "-b", dest="blacklist_bed", help="Set blacklist nucleotides to a baseline value.", ) parser.add_option( "--break", dest="break_t", default=786432, type="int", help="Break in half contigs above length [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "-c", "--crop", dest="crop_bp", default=0, type="int", help="Crop bp off each end [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "-d", dest="decimals", default=None, type="int", help="Round values to given decimals [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "-f", dest="folds", default=None, type="int", help="Generate cross fold split [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "-g", dest="gaps_file", help="Genome assembly gaps BED [Default: %default]" ) parser.add_option( "-i", dest="interp_nan", default=False, action="store_true", help="Interpolate NaNs [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "-l", dest="seq_length", default=131072, type="int", help="Sequence length [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "--limit", dest="limit_bed", help="Limit to segments that overlap regions in a BED file", ) parser.add_option( "--local", dest="run_local", default=False, action="store_true", help="Run jobs locally as opposed to on SLURM [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "-o", dest="out_dir", default="data_out", help="Output directory [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "-p", dest="processes", default=None, type="int", help="Number parallel processes [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "--peaks", dest="peaks_only", default=False, action="store_true", help="Create contigs only from peaks [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "-r", dest="seqs_per_tfr", default=256, type="int", help="Sequences per TFRecord file [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "--restart", dest="restart", default=False, action="store_true", help="Continue progress from midpoint. [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "-s", dest="sample_pct", default=1.0, type="float", help="Down-sample the segments", ) parser.add_option( "--seed", dest="seed", default=44, type="int", help="Random seed [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "--snap", dest="snap", default=1, type="int", help="Snap sequences to multiple of the given value [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "--st", "--split_test", dest="split_test", default=False, action="store_true", help="Exit after split. [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "--stride", "--stride_train", dest="stride_train", default=1.0, type="float", help="Stride to advance train sequences [Default: seq_length]", ) parser.add_option( "--stride_test", dest="stride_test", default=1.0, type="float", help="Stride to advance valid and test sequences [Default: seq_length]", ) parser.add_option( "-t", dest="test_pct_or_chr", default=0.05, type="str", help="Proportion of the data for testing [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option("-u", dest="umap_bed", help="Unmappable regions in BED format") parser.add_option( "--umap_t", dest="umap_t", default=0.5, type="float", help="Remove sequences with more than this unmappable bin % [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "--umap_clip", dest="umap_clip", default=1, type="float", help="Clip values at unmappable positions to distribution quantiles, eg 0.25. [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "--umap_tfr", dest="umap_tfr", default=False, action="store_true", help="Save umap array into TFRecords [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "-w", dest="pool_width", default=32, type="int", help="Sum pool width [Default: %default]", ) parser.add_option( "-v", dest="valid_pct_or_chr", default=0.05, type="str", help="Proportion of the data for validation [Default: %default]", ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: parser.error("Must provide FASTA and sample coverage labels and paths.") else: fasta_file = args[0] targets_file = args[1] random.seed(options.seed) np.random.seed(options.seed) if options.break_t is not None and options.break_t < options.seq_length: print( "Maximum contig length --break cannot be less than sequence length.", file=sys.stderr, ) exit(1) # transform proportion strides to base pairs if options.stride_train <= 1: print("stride_train %.f" % options.stride_train, end="") options.stride_train = options.stride_train * options.seq_length print(" converted to %f" % options.stride_train) options.stride_train = int(np.round(options.stride_train)) if options.stride_test <= 1: if options.folds is None: print("stride_test %.f" % options.stride_test, end="") options.stride_test = options.stride_test * options.seq_length print(" converted to %f" % options.stride_test) options.stride_test = int(np.round(options.stride_test)) # check snap if options.snap is not None: if np.mod(options.seq_length, options.snap) != 0: raise ValueError("seq_length must be a multiple of snap") if np.mod(options.stride_train, options.snap) != 0: raise ValueError("stride_train must be a multiple of snap") if np.mod(options.stride_test, options.snap) != 0: raise ValueError("stride_test must be a multiple of snap") # setup output directory if os.path.isdir(options.out_dir) and not options.restart: print("Remove output directory %s or use --restart option." % options.out_dir) exit(1) elif not os.path.isdir(options.out_dir): os.mkdir(options.out_dir) # read target datasets targets_df = pd.read_csv(targets_file, index_col=0, sep="\t") ################################################################ # define genomic contigs ################################################################ if not options.restart: chrom_contigs = data.load_chromosomes(fasta_file) # remove gaps if options.gaps_file: chrom_contigs = data.split_contigs(chrom_contigs, options.gaps_file) # ditch the chromosomes for contigs contigs = [] for chrom in chrom_contigs: contigs += [ data.Contig(0, chrom, ctg_start, ctg_end) for ctg_start, ctg_end in chrom_contigs[chrom] ] # limit to a BED file if options.limit_bed is not None: contigs = limit_contigs(contigs, options.limit_bed) # limit to peaks if options.peaks_only: peaks_bed = curate_peaks( targets_df, options.out_dir, options.pool_width, options.crop_bp ) contigs = limit_contigs(contigs, peaks_bed) # filter for large enough seq_tlength = options.seq_length - 2 * options.crop_bp contigs = [ctg for ctg in contigs if ctg.end - ctg.start >= seq_tlength] # break up large contigs if options.break_t is not None: contigs = data.break_large_contigs(contigs, options.break_t) # print contigs to BED file # ctg_bed_file = '%s/contigs.bed' % options.out_dir # write_seqs_bed(ctg_bed_file, contigs) ################################################################ # divide between train/valid/test ################################################################ # label folds if options.folds is not None: fold_labels = ["fold%d" % fi for fi in range(options.folds)] num_folds = options.folds else: fold_labels = ["train", "valid", "test"] num_folds = 3 if not options.restart: if options.folds is not None: # divide by fold pct fold_contigs = divide_contigs_folds(contigs, options.folds) else: try: # convert to float pct valid_pct = float(options.valid_pct_or_chr) test_pct = float(options.test_pct_or_chr) assert 0 <= valid_pct <= 1 assert 0 <= test_pct <= 1 # divide by pct fold_contigs = divide_contigs_pct(contigs, test_pct, valid_pct) except (ValueError, AssertionError): # divide by chr valid_chrs = options.valid_pct_or_chr.split(",") test_chrs = options.test_pct_or_chr.split(",") fold_contigs = divide_contigs_chr(contigs, test_chrs, valid_chrs) # rejoin broken contigs within set for fi in range(len(fold_contigs)): fold_contigs[fi] = data.rejoin_large_contigs(fold_contigs[fi]) # write labeled contigs to BED file ctg_bed_file = "%s/contigs.bed" % options.out_dir ctg_bed_out = open(ctg_bed_file, "w") for fi in range(len(fold_contigs)): for ctg in fold_contigs[fi]: line = "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s" % (ctg.chr, ctg.start, ctg.end, fold_labels[fi]) print(line, file=ctg_bed_out) ctg_bed_out.close() if options.split_test: exit() ################################################################ # define model sequences ################################################################ if not options.restart: fold_mseqs = [] for fi in range(num_folds): if fold_labels[fi] in ["valid", "test"]: stride_fold = options.stride_test else: stride_fold = options.stride_train # stride sequences across contig fold_mseqs_fi = data.contig_sequences( fold_contigs[fi], seq_tlength, stride_fold, options.snap, fold_labels[fi], ) fold_mseqs.append(fold_mseqs_fi) # shuffle random.shuffle(fold_mseqs[fi]) # down-sample if options.sample_pct < 1.0: fold_mseqs[fi] = random.sample( fold_mseqs[fi], int(options.sample_pct * len(fold_mseqs[fi])) ) # merge into one list mseqs = [ms for fm in fold_mseqs for ms in fm] ################################################################ # mappability ################################################################ if not options.restart: if options.umap_bed is not None: if shutil.which("bedtools") is None: print("Install Bedtools to annotate unmappable sites", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) # annotate unmappable positions mseqs_unmap = data.annotate_unmap( mseqs, options.umap_bed, seq_tlength, options.pool_width ) # filter unmappable mseqs_map_mask = mseqs_unmap.mean(axis=1, dtype="float64") < options.umap_t mseqs = [mseqs[i] for i in range(len(mseqs)) if mseqs_map_mask[i]] mseqs_unmap = mseqs_unmap[mseqs_map_mask, :] # write to file unmap_npy = "%s/mseqs_unmap.npy" % options.out_dir, mseqs_unmap) # write sequences to BED seqs_bed_file = "%s/sequences.bed" % options.out_dir data.write_seqs_bed(seqs_bed_file, mseqs, True) else: # read from directory seqs_bed_file = "%s/sequences.bed" % options.out_dir unmap_npy = "%s/mseqs_unmap.npy" % options.out_dir mseqs = [] fold_mseqs = [] for fi in range(num_folds): fold_mseqs.append([]) for line in open(seqs_bed_file): a = line.split() msg = data.ModelSeq(0, a[0], int(a[1]), int(a[2]), a[3]) mseqs.append(msg) if a[3] == "train": fi = 0 elif a[3] == "valid": fi = 1 elif a[3] == "test": fi = 2 else: fi = int(a[3].replace("fold", "")) fold_mseqs[fi].append(msg) ################################################################ # read sequence coverage values ################################################################ seqs_cov_dir = "%s/seqs_cov" % options.out_dir if not os.path.isdir(seqs_cov_dir): os.mkdir(seqs_cov_dir) read_jobs = [] for ti in range(targets_df.shape[0]): genome_cov_file = targets_df["file"].iloc[ti] seqs_cov_stem = "%s/%d" % (seqs_cov_dir, ti) seqs_cov_file = "%s.h5" % seqs_cov_stem clip_ti = None if "clip" in targets_df.columns: clip_ti = targets_df["clip"].iloc[ti] clipsoft_ti = None if "clip_soft" in targets_df.columns: clipsoft_ti = targets_df["clip_soft"].iloc[ti] scale_ti = 1 if "scale" in targets_df.columns: scale_ti = targets_df["scale"].iloc[ti] if options.restart and os.path.isfile(seqs_cov_file): print("Skipping existing %s" % seqs_cov_file, file=sys.stderr) else: cmd = "" cmd += " -w %d" % options.pool_width cmd += " -u %s" % targets_df["sum_stat"].iloc[ti] if clip_ti is not None: cmd += " -c %f" % clip_ti if clipsoft_ti is not None: cmd += " --clip_soft %f" % clipsoft_ti cmd += " -s %f" % scale_ti if options.blacklist_bed: cmd += " -b %s" % options.blacklist_bed if options.interp_nan: cmd += " -i" cmd += " %s" % genome_cov_file cmd += " %s" % seqs_bed_file cmd += " %s" % seqs_cov_file if options.run_local: # breaks on some OS # cmd += ' &> %s.err' % seqs_cov_stem read_jobs.append(cmd) else: j = slurm.Job( cmd, name="read_t%d" % ti, out_file="%s.out" % seqs_cov_stem, err_file="%s.err" % seqs_cov_stem, queue="standard", mem=15000, time="12:0:0", ) read_jobs.append(j) if options.run_local: utils.exec_par(read_jobs, options.processes, verbose=True) else: slurm.multi_run( read_jobs, options.processes, verbose=True, launch_sleep=1, update_sleep=5 ) ################################################################ # write TF Records ################################################################ # copy targets file shutil.copy(targets_file, "%s/targets.txt" % options.out_dir) # initialize TF Records dir tfr_dir = "%s/tfrecords" % options.out_dir if not os.path.isdir(tfr_dir): os.mkdir(tfr_dir) write_jobs = [] for fold_set in fold_labels: fold_set_indexes = [i for i in range(len(mseqs)) if mseqs[i].label == fold_set] fold_set_start = fold_set_indexes[0] fold_set_end = fold_set_indexes[-1] + 1 tfr_i = 0 tfr_start = fold_set_start tfr_end = min(tfr_start + options.seqs_per_tfr, fold_set_end) while tfr_start <= fold_set_end: tfr_stem = "%s/%s-%d" % (tfr_dir, fold_set, tfr_i) tfr_file = "%s.tfr" % tfr_stem if options.restart and os.path.isfile(tfr_file): print("Skipping existing %s" % tfr_file, file=sys.stderr) else: cmd = "" cmd += " -s %d" % tfr_start cmd += " -e %d" % tfr_end cmd += " --umap_clip %f" % options.umap_clip cmd += " -x %d" % options.crop_bp if options.decimals is not None: cmd += " -d %d" % options.decimals if options.umap_tfr: cmd += " --umap_tfr" if options.umap_bed is not None: cmd += " -u %s" % unmap_npy cmd += " %s" % fasta_file cmd += " %s" % seqs_bed_file cmd += " %s" % seqs_cov_dir cmd += " %s" % tfr_file if options.run_local: # breaks on some OS # cmd += ' &> %s.err' % tfr_stem write_jobs.append(cmd) else: j = slurm.Job( cmd, name="write_%s-%d" % (fold_set, tfr_i), out_file="%s.out" % tfr_stem, err_file="%s.err" % tfr_stem, queue="standard", mem=15000, time="12:0:0", ) write_jobs.append(j) # update tfr_i += 1 tfr_start += options.seqs_per_tfr tfr_end = min(tfr_start + options.seqs_per_tfr, fold_set_end) if options.run_local: utils.exec_par(write_jobs, options.processes, verbose=True) else: slurm.multi_run( write_jobs, options.processes, verbose=True, launch_sleep=1, update_sleep=5 ) ################################################################ # stats ################################################################ stats_dict = {} stats_dict["num_targets"] = targets_df.shape[0] stats_dict["seq_length"] = options.seq_length stats_dict["seq_1hot"] = True stats_dict["pool_width"] = options.pool_width stats_dict["crop_bp"] = options.crop_bp target_length = options.seq_length - 2 * options.crop_bp target_length = target_length // options.pool_width stats_dict["target_length"] = target_length for fi in range(num_folds): stats_dict["%s_seqs" % fold_labels[fi]] = len(fold_mseqs[fi]) with open("%s/statistics.json" % options.out_dir, "w") as stats_json_out: json.dump(stats_dict, stats_json_out, indent=4)
[docs] def curate_peaks(targets_df, out_dir, pool_width, crop_bp): """Merge all peaks, round to nearest pool_width, and add cropped bp.""" # concatenate and extend peaks cat_bed_file = "%s/peaks_cat.bed" % out_dir cat_bed_out = open(cat_bed_file, "w") for bed_file in targets_df.file: if bed_file[-3:] == ".gz": bed_in =, "rt") else: bed_in = open(bed_file, "r") for line in bed_in: a = line.rstrip().split("\t") chrm = a[0] start = int(a[1]) end = int(a[2]) # extend to pool width length = end - start if length < pool_width: mid = (start + end) // 2 start = mid - pool_width // 2 end = start + pool_width # add cropped bp start = max(0, start - crop_bp) end += crop_bp # print print("%s\t%d\t%d" % (chrm, start, end), file=cat_bed_out) bed_in.close() cat_bed_out.close() # merge merge_bed_file = "%s/peaks_merge.bed" % out_dir bedtools_cmd = "bedtools sort -i %s" % cat_bed_file bedtools_cmd += " | bedtools merge -i - > %s" % merge_bed_file, shell=True) # round and add crop_bp full_bed_file = "%s/peaks_full.bed" % out_dir full_bed_out = open(full_bed_file, "w") for line in open(merge_bed_file): a = line.rstrip().split("\t") chrm = a[0] start = int(a[1]) end = int(a[2]) mid = (start + end) // 2 length = end - start # round length to nearest pool_width bins = int(np.round(length / pool_width)) assert bins > 0 start = mid - (bins * pool_width) // 2 start = max(0, start) end = start + (bins * pool_width) # write print("%s\t%d\t%d" % (chrm, start, end), file=full_bed_out) full_bed_out.close() return full_bed_file
[docs] def divide_contigs_chr(contigs, test_chrs, valid_chrs): """Divide list of contigs into train/valid/test lists by chromosome.""" # initialize current train/valid/test nucleotides train_nt = 0 valid_nt = 0 test_nt = 0 # initialize train/valid/test contig lists train_contigs = [] valid_contigs = [] test_contigs = [] # process contigs for ctg in contigs: ctg_len = ctg.end - ctg.start if ctg.chr in test_chrs: test_contigs.append(ctg) test_nt += ctg_len elif ctg.chr in valid_chrs: valid_contigs.append(ctg) valid_nt += ctg_len else: train_contigs.append(ctg) train_nt += ctg_len total_nt = train_nt + valid_nt + test_nt print("Contigs divided into") print( " Train: %5d contigs, %10d nt (%.4f)" % (len(train_contigs), train_nt, train_nt / total_nt) ) print( " Valid: %5d contigs, %10d nt (%.4f)" % (len(valid_contigs), valid_nt, valid_nt / total_nt) ) print( " Test: %5d contigs, %10d nt (%.4f)" % (len(test_contigs), test_nt, test_nt / total_nt) ) return [train_contigs, valid_contigs, test_contigs]
[docs] def divide_contigs_folds(contigs, folds): """Divide list of contigs into cross fold lists.""" # sort contigs descending by length length_contigs = [(ctg.end - ctg.start, ctg) for ctg in contigs] length_contigs.sort(reverse=True) # compute total nucleotides total_nt = sum([lc[0] for lc in length_contigs]) # compute aimed fold nucleotides fold_nt_aim = int(np.ceil(total_nt / folds)) # initialize current fold nucleotides fold_nt = np.zeros(folds) # initialize fold contig lists fold_contigs = [] for fi in range(folds): fold_contigs.append([]) # process contigs for ctg_len, ctg in length_contigs: # compute gap between current and aim fold_nt_gap = fold_nt_aim - fold_nt fold_nt_gap = np.clip(fold_nt_gap, 0, np.inf) # compute sample probability fold_prob = fold_nt_gap / fold_nt_gap.sum() # sample train/valid/test fi = np.random.choice(folds, p=fold_prob) fold_contigs[fi].append(ctg) fold_nt[fi] += ctg_len print("Contigs divided into") for fi in range(folds): print( " Fold%d: %5d contigs, %10d nt (%.4f)" % (fi, len(fold_contigs[fi]), fold_nt[fi], fold_nt[fi] / total_nt) ) return fold_contigs
[docs] def divide_contigs_pct(contigs, test_pct, valid_pct, pct_abstain=0.2): """Divide list of contigs into train/valid/test lists, aiming for the specified nucleotide percentages.""" # sort contigs descending by length length_contigs = [(ctg.end - ctg.start, ctg) for ctg in contigs] length_contigs.sort(reverse=True) # compute total nucleotides total_nt = sum([lc[0] for lc in length_contigs]) # compute aimed train/valid/test nucleotides test_nt_aim = test_pct * total_nt valid_nt_aim = valid_pct * total_nt train_nt_aim = total_nt - valid_nt_aim - test_nt_aim # initialize current train/valid/test nucleotides train_nt = 0 valid_nt = 0 test_nt = 0 # initialize train/valid/test contig lists train_contigs = [] valid_contigs = [] test_contigs = [] # process contigs for ctg_len, ctg in length_contigs: # compute gap between current and aim test_nt_gap = max(0, test_nt_aim - test_nt) valid_nt_gap = max(0, valid_nt_aim - valid_nt) train_nt_gap = max(1, train_nt_aim - train_nt) # skip if too large if ctg_len > pct_abstain * test_nt_gap: test_nt_gap = 0 if ctg_len > pct_abstain * valid_nt_gap: valid_nt_gap = 0 # compute remaining % gap_sum = train_nt_gap + valid_nt_gap + test_nt_gap test_pct_gap = test_nt_gap / gap_sum valid_pct_gap = valid_nt_gap / gap_sum train_pct_gap = train_nt_gap / gap_sum # sample train/valid/test ri = np.random.choice( range(3), 1, p=[train_pct_gap, valid_pct_gap, test_pct_gap] )[0] if ri == 0: train_contigs.append(ctg) train_nt += ctg_len elif ri == 1: valid_contigs.append(ctg) valid_nt += ctg_len elif ri == 2: test_contigs.append(ctg) test_nt += ctg_len else: print("TVT random number beyond 0,1,2", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) print("Contigs divided into") print( " Train: %5d contigs, %10d nt (%.4f)" % (len(train_contigs), train_nt, train_nt / total_nt) ) print( " Valid: %5d contigs, %10d nt (%.4f)" % (len(valid_contigs), valid_nt, valid_nt / total_nt) ) print( " Test: %5d contigs, %10d nt (%.4f)" % (len(test_contigs), test_nt, test_nt / total_nt) ) return [train_contigs, valid_contigs, test_contigs]
[docs] def limit_contigs(contigs, filter_bed): """Limit to contigs overlapping the given BED. Args contigs: list of Contigs filter_bed: BED file to filter by Returns: fcontigs: list of Contigs """ # print ctgments to BED ctg_fd, ctg_bed_file = tempfile.mkstemp() ctg_bed_out = open(ctg_bed_file, "w") for ctg in contigs: print("%s\t%d\t%d" % (ctg.chr, ctg.start, ctg.end), file=ctg_bed_out) ctg_bed_out.close() # intersect w/ filter_bed fcontigs = [] p = subprocess.Popen( "bedtools intersect -a %s -b %s" % (ctg_bed_file, filter_bed), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) for line in p.stdout: a = line.decode("utf-8").split() chrom = a[0] ctg_start = int(a[1]) ctg_end = int(a[2]) fcontigs.append(data.Contig(0, chrom, ctg_start, ctg_end)) p.communicate() os.close(ctg_fd) os.remove(ctg_bed_file) return fcontigs
if __name__ == "__main__": main()